[Zope] Minor oddity in beta 3

Shane Hathaway shane@digicool.com
Fri, 26 Jan 2001 01:55:34 -0500

Brian Lloyd wrote:
> > One oddity I just noticed in the beta 3... if you have no folders
> > created in the root, then the left-hand navigation pane doesn't
> > show the Control_Panel, Quickstart, or acl_users folder.  Once
> > you add a folder, then all three of those objects, as well as the
> > new folder, appear in the left-hand pane.  If you then delete the
> > folder, and refresh the browser, everything in the left-hand pane
> > disappears again (leaving only the root folder at the top).
> >
> > Not a biggie, but a little odd.
> What client are you using? I'm not able to reproduce this
> here :( I suspect some sort of client rendering problem or
> maybe a stall or truncation of the page somehow? If you
> view source on the nav pane do you see a complete well-formed
> html document missing those items or a truncated file? Note
> that some clients will show you the latest cached source
> when a page didn't load all of the way, so be sure to refresh
> the pane manually as well.

I would suspect a bug in the tree tag.  The other day I ran into a
situation where if there's only one node in the tree, the < /table> tag
doesn't get rendered and Netscape will refuse to show anything in a
table that doesn't have an end tag.

I'm looking into it, but meanwhile, Michael, would it be possible to
"view source" and see if my hypothesis is correct?
