[Zope] CoreSessionTracking and noundo db
Chris McDonough
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 22:56:50 -0500
I think this howto is still applicable:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bak@kedai" <kedai@kedai.com.my>
To: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 9:28 PM
Subject: [Zope] CoreSessionTracking and noundo db
> hi
> in trying out the excellent CoreSessionTracking product, i encountered a
> little problem. the doc reference a no-undo external db to house the
> i remember one such beast which were alpha (berkerly dbm(?)), but can't
> locate it at zope.org.
> also, will there ever be a no undo db for use with zope? since such
> is a must to run zope in real world.
> hints, urls welcome
> thanks
> --
> http://www.kedai.com.my/kk
> http://www.kedai.com.my/eZine
> Strange how laughter looks like crying with no sound, and raindrops taste
> like tears .. without the pain
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