[Zope] Decision question from a beginner

Phil Harris phil.harris@zope.co.uk
Wed, 31 Jan 2001 10:40:19 +0000


I'll try to throw some light on some of this.

1.	There is a piece of software in development called JPE, Java-Python-Extensions, you'll find it on sourceforge.net.  It says that it allows you to use Python modules from Java and vice-versa.  This may be a way to get Zope talking with Java and it's associated ways of doing things (EJB, JSP, etc).

2.	Yes you can/should write your logic in Python.  Normally CPython and JPython don't talk all that well, but using JPE this may change.

Now for the caveats, I am in no way associated with the jpe project and am struggling to get it working at all myself.  It is developed on Win32 and expects some pretty specific things in place (better to read the docs than listen to me tho).

That said it does look interesting.

Another way to look at this is to have a front-end Apache that maps Zope and lets say Tomcat into the same URL space.  This would allow your users to at least think that it's all one server doing the work.  The biggest problem with this is that the Zope security wouldn't cover the Tomcat parts and vice versa.  There are bound to be other problems with this way of doing things, I'm no expert 8Ź).

If anyone does manage to get the JPE wotsit working then I'd like to know the recipe, pretty please 8Ź).



On Wed, 31 Jan 2001 11:04:13 +0100, I seem to recall, Christophe <"Christophe Lombart" <clombart@hotmail.com>> scrawled something like:

> Tha's clear Zope is really interesting for my web application but I have a 
> small issue concering java.  My customer is using Java (mainly servlet & 
> EJB). It is a well know question on your mailing lists but I want to be sure 
> to understand everything.
> So, can you confirm or give some feedbacks on the following questions :
> 1. Is it possible to add a servlet in my Zope server. By this way, I have 
> the strong features like security defined in Zope and it is not necessary to 
> rewrite the code defined in this servlet.
> 2. If I understand, I can write my business logic in python. From this 
> python code, I can used a java package (thanks to jython). So I can call an 
> EJB method from a zope object. Is it correct ?
> This kind of integration is much interesting for my customer than  rewrite 
> all in python. In fact, his idea is using Zope for the content management 
> and EJB for the business logic. All comments are welcome on that.
> Many thanks in advance
> Christophe
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