[Zope] Zope on FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE - Doesn't start on bootup!

Robert Moss rmoss@mbox.com.au
Tue, 03 Jul 2001 16:50:35 +1000

   Have checked the mail archives but haven't turned up anything 
relevant.  A few postings but they were related to compile errors.

A very bizarre problem is happening when running Zope at boot time on 
FreeBSD 4.3 where the process is run, it forks, the child process runs 
but seems to disappear without a trace when running the ZServer 
__init__.py script.  The function  max_sockets.max_select_sockets() 
seems to cause the child process to exit without being handled by the 
except clause that has been put in.

We have put print messages all the way through, and see the entire 
script run once, then on the second time (for the forked child process) 
we see just before the max_sockets function, then nothing.

The log file is not very descriptive, just says
About for fork
Have forked with PID xxx
Aaaiieee exited with error code 256

We can start up Zope manually without a problem, log in as root and run 
the same command as in /etc/rc.local, but when run from /etc/rc.local 
it just dies constantly.

Anyone have similar problems?  What was the fix?

Have checked the sysctl variables from Boot time and post-boot time, 
and none of them seem to stand out..  securelevel is always -1  
(anything goes)..

Robert Moss.

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