[Zope] WHY ? -- Performace in serving large media files fromZODB vs
from external file system
Casey Duncan
Fri, 06 Jul 2001 09:42:04 -0600
marc lindahl wrote:
> > From: Toby Dickenson <tdickenson@devmail.geminidataloggers.co.uk>
> >
> > The policy used by the default File and Image classes for large
> > content is to spool the content from ZODB into a temporary file as
> > quickly as possible, allowing ZServer to trickle data back to the
> > client as quickly as the client will allow.
> I'm not sure I see where that is happening, can you provide some pointers?
> It looks to me like File and Image pull a large (>64KB) file out 64K at a
> time and feed it to RESPONSE, which would be in RAM, not a temp disk file...
Yes that is correct. Zope will stream large file data in 64K chunks so
that it doesn't have to load the whole thing into RAM when it is
requested. It doesn't use any files.
| Casey Duncan
| Kaivo, Inc.
| cduncan@kaivo.com