[Zope] is DTML a www standard?
Alan Capesius
Fri, 6 Jul 2001 14:35:02 -0500
All well and good, but the point I am making is one of simplicity of use.
To publish SQL data you have to create an ODBC connection, an SQL Method and
a DTML document at minimum. No matter ho small the report.
I do realize benefits from the modularity as anyone would. I'm just looking
for a quick hack method to getting data published. Perhaps the better way to
do this is a Wizard concept which creates the necessary elements for you
based on criteria entered. Hmmm...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sean.upton
> There are very good reasons for modularizing SQL methods, even if they do
> increase your object count, IMHO... If you have ever build a big
> application in anything like ASP or other templating setup that mixes
> presentation and logic, you really start to want modularization very
> quickly, especially if the application has:
> 1. Muliple developers
> 2. Is constantly changing
> I think the real solution to this problem (object clutter) is an updated
> version of Transparent folders minus the namespace bug, and perhaps minus
> the bug (I'm not sure if this one is reported), that makes transparent
> folders break Ram Cache Managers... As soon as a more stable version of
> Transparent Folders is released, it serves as a good place to put SQL
> methods and logic, leaving the presentation templates in the main
> folder for
> simplicity's sake...