[Zope] Refcount question

Ron Bickers rbickers-dated-995298075.870779@logicetc.com
Mon, 9 Jul 2001 11:41:15 -0400

These two refcounts just keep going up.  The server has been running Zope
2.3.3 for 18 days without any problems, but unlike many of the other
refcounts I've watched, these never go down.  I have a 14MB, 33276 object
Data.fs and the load is fairly light.

Acquisition.ImplicitAcquirerWrapper: 4337
Shared.DC.ZRDB.Results.SQLAlias: 2687

                                     Jun 24  Jul 9 Delta
Acquisition.ImplicitAcquirerWrapper  765     4320  +3555
Shared.DC.ZRDB.Results.SQLAlias      357     2687  +2330

Is this normal?

Ron Bickers
Logic Etc, Inc.