[Zope] Idea for a new "basic" class
Jens Vagelpohl
Tue, 10 Jul 2001 17:56:19 +0200
ever looked at OFS.SimpleItem.SimpleItem?
On Tuesday, July 10, 2001, at 05:01 , Max M=F8ller Rasmussen wrote:
> During my process of discovering Zope, I have made quite a few =
products. I
> have allways found that there is a lot of repeated functionality and =
> just to get them up and running.
> I have an idea for a "basic" class to be added to the Zope framework =
> sets up the most comonly used mixin classes, and sets up sensible =
> values for them.
> So to make a very simple Zope product you just need to write::
> from basic import basic
> class minimal(basic):
> meta_type =3D 'minimal'
> And it would set up a fully functional product with id, and title as=20=
> default
> vales. manageAdd, manageAction, manage_editForm, manage_editAction, =
> index_html would also be included by default.
> If you want to add more properties you would just overwrite =
> from basic import basic
> class minimal(basic):
> meta_type =3D 'minimal'
> _properties=3D(
> {'id':'title', 'type':'string', 'mode':'w'},
> {'id':'summary', 'type':'text', 'mode':'w'},
> {'id':'content', 'type':'text', 'mode':'w'},
> {'id':'author', 'type':'string', 'mode':'w'},
> {'id':'url', 'type':'string', 'mode':'w'},
> {'id':'email', 'type':'string', 'mode':'w'},
> )
> And the manageAdd, manageAction, manage_editForm, manage_editAction, =
> index_html would change dynamically to fit the new properties.
> You could also add new methods, or overwrite the default ones like::
> from basic import basic
> from global import DTMLFile
> class minimal(basic):
> meta_type =3D 'minimal'
> _properties=3D(
> {'id':'title', 'type':'string', 'mode':'w'},
> {'id':'summary', 'type':'text', 'mode':'w'},
> {'id':'content', 'type':'text', 'mode':'w'},
> {'id':'author', 'type':'string', 'mode':'w'},
> {'id':'url', 'type':'string', 'mode':'w'},
> {'id':'email', 'type':'string', 'mode':'w'},
> )
> index_html =3D DTMLFile('www/index_html', globals())
> view =3D DTMLFile('www/view', globals())
> edit =3D DTMLFile('www/edit', globals())
> I believe that it would _greatly_ simplify the process of writing =
> products. Taking the minimal needed code to get started from something=20=
> like
> 40 lines to 3.
> Does it sound like a waste of time to write this class?? I think it =
> be
> fairly easy, but would anybody use it? And is it possible to get =
> like this into the core? If so I am willing to write it.
> regards Max M
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