[Zope] External files

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Tue, 10 Jul 2001 20:30:54 +0200 (CEST)

Thomas Olsen writes:
 > This is propably an FAQ but I couldn't find an answer to it:
 > I'm extending a product which has a java applet on one of the management 
 > screens. How do I get the class file and the jar?
 > I've tried something like:
 > --cut-------------
 > def my_jar(self, REQUEST):
 >     return self._my_jar
 > _my_jar = File('www/my.jar')
 > --cut-------------
 > but that absolutely didn't work...
And what happened?

A few more questions (we need more context):

  *  what is the "File" above. Where did you get it from?

  *  usually, you should not simply return objects
     but rather their content.

     If "_my_jar" is really a "OFS.Image.File" object,
     then you may succeed, as ZPublisher will convert
     the object returned into a string, which
     give the content for a "File" object.
