[Zope] 'Owner' not being set.
Dave Smithson
Dave Smithson" <dave.smithson@runningdog.co.uk
Thu, 12 Jul 2001 15:58:34 +0100
Dieter, Jerome et al, thanks very much for your replies. The darkness
surrounding my errant Ownership has not, however, abated...
> Dave Smithson writes:
> > ... Owner not indexed ...
> > <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('Owner',AUTHENTICATED_USER.getUserName())">
> > <dtml-with "zc_book.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'], REQUEST)">
> >
> > <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('prop',propertysheets.get('book_properties'))">
> > <dtml-call "prop.manage_editProperties(REQUEST)">
> > <dtml-call reindex_object>
Dieter writes:
> How is this supposed to work?
> Does your ZClass have a property "Owner"?
The basic idea is that 'example', who will a person, has rights to upload
information concerning books, journals or miscellaneous items. If they have
a book that they want to upload, they navigate to their 'book' folder * and
add a book using the form. This information is then processed using the
ZClass 'book', and the results displayed in 'example's' book area.
* eg.
As far as roles go: both 'example' and 'example2' have local managerial
rights to their respective folders. The idea is that, after 'example' has
logged on and uploaded an item through the form, the Owner is set
automatically (through the login), and the book just uploaded by 'example'
knows to be shown only in 'example's' folder.
The ZClasses ('book', 'journal', etc.) hadn't had a property of 'Owner'. I
have added one (as a string), and 'Owner' is now appearing in the metadata
and index of the Catalog. However, a book uploaded into 'example' is still
appearing in 'example2' as well.
Screengrabs of 'book_properties', and of Catalog's updated metadata for a
book uploaded into 'example' are located here:
I'm sorry to be speaking pidgin programming here - I'm not sure if I'm
giving people enough to work on, or whether it's like a kid walking up to a
ship and asking 'How does that work?'. If it's the latter, I'll understand.
Cheers for now - any help at all would very gratefully received indeed.
David Smithson
Information Designer
Media Resources Centre
University of Wales College of Medicine
Cardiff UK