[Zope] General Publishing Question
Carlson, Christopher W.
Thu, 12 Jul 2001 10:11:29 -0500
I'd highly recommend checking out Structured Text. The document at
http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Articles/STX is a pretty good overview.
--- Chris
-----Original Message-----
From: Nat Harari [mailto:nat@interactivehq.org]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 10:07 AM
To: zope@zope.org
Subject: [Zope] General Publishing Question
And one more question. :)
I'm trying to use Zope here at work to make it easy for everyone to publish
to the site. Is there anything out there that can
basically make it easy for a moron to publish to his/her part of the site?
Nobody her knows what a <P> tag is for, etc...I'm trying
to make it so that they simply create a text document, drop it in the right
place (a folder) and then it's already up and running in
zope, listed et al on the DB, in the search function, dynamically pulled
online, etc...
Any way to do that? I can't imagine anyone here logging into the Zope GUI
and trying to figure out what to do next. I could train
them but they don't have time and I don't think they should have to do that,
in the end.
So...any remarks? :)
Thanks. BTW, great list. I'm learning a lot just by reading on here. :)
Newbie Nat.
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