[Zope] Netscape renders different than IE
Thu, 12 Jul 2001 10:19 -0700
Below is a snip of the dtml I use in the leftnav of a wiki-like site I made. It is not pretty, pieced together from snips from this list, but it was working just fine until I moved the site from Zope running on WinMe to RedHat7.1.
(To accomplish this move, once I got linux installed, I mounted the windows partition and copie Data.fs to the new Zope folder in linux. I really didn't expect it to work, but it did. However...)
This snip is supposed to display a checkbox next to items that the authenticated user owns. Also it hides files that have hide in the name from non-owners. (This part handles docs and images. I have another section (nearly identical) to handle folders.)
This works fine in Netscape, but no longer works in IE (ver 5.0 on win2k server). And as this is all server side, I cannot understand how this could be. Why would zope process this differenly based on client?
Also, per a thread I noticed awhile ago, I can no longer manage the site remotely with IE, the manage frame renders index_html instead.
Thanks for any help or insight into this strangeness in advance,
<dtml-in expr="objectValues(['DTML Document','Image','File'])" sort=title>
<dtml-let sName=title_or_id>
<dtml-let sItem=sequence-item>
<!--#if "AUTHENTICATED_USER.has_role('Owner',this())"-->
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('deleteon','yes')">
<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="delItems:list" VALUE="<dtml-var id>">
<dtml-if expr="_.string.find(_.str(sName), 'hide')>-1">
<a target="main" href="&dtml-absolute_url;"><dtml-var title_or_id></a>
<dtml-if "meta_type=='Image'">
<font class=small>size:<dtml-var "_['get_size']/1000">k
<dtml-if expr="_.string.find(_.str(sName), 'hide')==-1">
<a target="main" href="&dtml-absolute_url;"><dtml-var title_or_id></a>
<!--#if "AUTHENTICATED_USER.has_role('Owner',this())"-->
<dtml-if "meta_type=='DTML Document'">
<a target=main href="make_Frame?docid=<dtml-var id url_quote_plus>"><img border=0 src="<dtml-var icon>"></a>
<dtml-if "meta_type=='Image'">
<dtml-if expr="_.string.find(_.str(sName), 'hide')==-1">
<font class=small>size:<dtml-var "_['get_size']/1000">k
<dtml-if expr="_.string.find(_.str(sName), 'hide')==-1">