[Zope] build a query string out of a dictionary (REQUEST.form)

Grégoire Weber gregoire.weber@switzerland.org
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 12:47:55 +0200

Hallo Dieter,

>  > As I supposed there did not exist a clean solution 
>  > (I don't like extrenal python methods -- Sorry Andy!)
>  > for that problem. It's even not in builtin in Zope :-(
> ???
> What does that mean "not builtin in Zope"?
> I did not see a Zope version without the External Method product.
Oh, sorry this is a misunderstanding caused by my english!
I meant the possibility to get a manipulated query string to
use them in <a href=""> tags out of the box. So I meant the 
method (or something similar) I programed in the hotfix product.

>  > So I programmed my first hotfix product which adds the
>  > method 'query_string' to the HTTPRequest class.
> While you do not like External Methods, I do not like
> "Hotfix" products. But that is personal taste...
Ok, a hotfix manipulates the innards of a stable system which
external methods do not...

Gruss, Gregoire

Grégoire Weber