[Zope] Choice of the sorting key of a dtml-in tag

Jean Lagarde jean.lagarde@eer-rc.com
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 08:23:46 -0700

I can't think of an easy solution to your problem (you can't just include
two versions of the dtml-in tag in a conditional; you would have to have two
complete dtml-in loops, one reversed, and one not, and that's a bit ugly),
however, it might help to realize that it does you no good to try to pass
'reverse' as a value of some other attribute of dtml-in. 'reverse' is an
attribute in itself, and you have to state it explicitely within the tag.

How about sorting your articles into another list before the <dtml-in>? I
don't have time to try any of this, but you might be able to do something

<dtml-if "rev==''">
   <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('sortedArticles',
                 ObjectValues('article').sort(lambda(a,b,k=skey:a[k] <
   <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('sortedArticles',
                 ObjectValues('article').sort(lambda(a,b,k=skey:a[k] >

<dtml-in sortedArticles ...

Caution: I just wrote that code real quick as something that might work. If
you like the idea, you'll probably have to fix it somewhat. This may be more
easily done in a script. Also, using this way of sorting is probably more
inefficient, which matters if you have a lot of articles.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Benoit DOMINIAK [mailto:koubonline@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 07:33
> To: jean.lagarde@eer-rc.com
> Cc: zope@zope.org
> Subject: Re: [Zope] Choice of the sorting key of a dtml-in tag
> Yes !!!
> That's it !
> But know, how can I include reverse ;-) ?
> I've tryed :
> <a href="<dtml-var URL1>?skey=titre&rev=">Title</a>
> <a href="<dtml-var URL1>?skey=author&rev=">Author</a>
> <a href="<dtml-var URL1>?skey=bobobase_modification_time&rev=
> reverse">Last
> modification</a>
> <dtml-if "REQUEST.has_key('skey')">
> <dtml-else>
> <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('skey', 'bobobase_modification_time')">
> <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('rev', ' reverse')">
> </dtml-if>
> <dtml-in "objectValues(['article'])" size=3 sort_expr="skey+rev"
> start=query_start>
> But it just work with title and author (rev=none) but not with modif_time
> (rev=' reverse').
> Can you help me ?
> >From: "Jean Lagarde" <jean.lagarde@eer-rc.com>
> >To: <zope@zope.org>
> >Subject: Re: [Zope] Choice of the sorting key of a dtml-in tag
> >Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 07:20:31 -0700
> >
> >Hi Benoit,
> >
> >My first answer post!
> >
> >Although I haven't tried that yet, my understanding is that 'sort' only
> >accepts constants, i.e. it will interpret skey as the literal
> 'skey', not
> >as
> >its value. You need to use the undocumented 'sort_expr' instead, i.e.
> >
> ><dtml-in "objectValues(['article'])" size=3 sort_expr="skey"
> >start=query_start>
> >
> >I'm not sure if you can include 'reverse' in skey; you probably have to
> >state
> >that separately in the dtml-in tag.