[Zope] RE: need help

Loren Stafford lstafford@morphics.com
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 09:42:54 -0700

Please continue to copy the zope@zope.org list.

First, are you using the latest release of Xron -- version 0.0.9? The
references to ZScheduler and ZEvent make me suspect that you are not. See

> you said that change the proxy role to higher
> permissions and ensure that code working properly.
> But we already given the role as "Manager" and we
> logged as Manager and script(code) is working
> properly.
> But it is throwing same exception
> ------
> ( You are not authorized to access this resource.
>   No Authorization header found. (File: C:\Program
> Files\zope\lib\python\ZPublisher\HTTPResponse.py Line:
> 588) 401 Unauthorized for
> http://sw8:8080/NShedu/trigger
> )

Clearly the permissions are not configured correctly at some point. You
might try installing the ZDebug product, which gives explicit diagnostics
about permission exceptions. I don't know, however, whether it will show its
diagnostics in this context.

> ------
> if i click trigger tab.
> In server side it is showing message like
> "currentThread():no current thread for -413987" .
> We are using windows98 standalone system.
> Server is running on windows98 in one system and
> client is working on windows98 in one system.

This is a spurious message. It has no bad consequences for your app.

> I had written python script
> "  what=context.manage_copyObjects(ids=['object1'])
>    context.Folder1.manage_pasteObjects(what) "
> the above script i had written in python script file
> name is "filecopy"
> and this file is calling in ZEvent name is "NShedu" as
> follows
> " <dtml-call filecopy> " at certain time.

I'm not sure which methods must have the extra permissions -- filecopy, or
NShedu, or both perhaps.

> My task is "object1" should copy to "Folder1" at
> certain time everyday.
> one more thing , is it possible to copy one Folder
> from Zope server to local HardDisk at certain time
> everyday ????

I don't have experience doing that specific task; but I'm sure it's
possible. However, it may not be possible with manage_copyObjects and
manage_pasteObjects. They depend on cookies to save state between
operations; however, in your case, there is no real client available to
store cookies.

I suspect that your filecopy method must read the data from 'object1' and
write it directly to "what". Perhaps another Zope developer can step in and
suggest something more specific based on actual experience.

-- Loren