[Zope] tree tag - only for folders?
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 22:14:34 +0100
Hi there,
I have a quick about the tree tag - maybe someone can help me out? I
understand that it is (only/mainly) used for representing
objects/folders, but what about other sorts of dynamic content - can it
be used with database data? I shall try and explain how I want to use
I'm making a little bookmark app for my homepage where all my bookmarks
are listed by category (e.g. Zope, Perl, Music). Rather than having
something like...
<dtml-in getCategories><b><dtml-var categoryTitle>:</b>
<dtml-in getLinks><li>link info here</li></dtml-in>
I would like to have a [+] expansion 'thing' next to each category,
where clicking it would create a list of associated hyperlinks for that
[+] Music
[+] Perl
[-] Zope
Too much graphical detail there I fear :-o
But I hope that I'm making sense.
I remember seeing a bit of DHTML a few years ago which would produce the
desired results, but before spending another year looking for it, I'd
like to know if the tree tag could be used in this way.
Thanks very much in advance for any help!