[Zope] HTML Selected not working
Thomas B. Passin
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 14:19:46 -0400
There are too many things wrong here. First of all, always make sure to put
your select elemetns, etc., inside a <form> element. Internet Explorer will
display them anyway, Netscape will not.
More important, you can't use a <dtml-...> tag inside another one, nor do
you have to. For example, you can write
<option <dtml-if "Priority==1">SELECTED</dtml-if>> 1
(using "expr=" is optional, and it's simpler if you don't use it). In other
words, once you start a dtml tag, everything inside is interpreted as dtml
statements (for names not in quotes) or Python expressions (for everything
within double quotes) until the end of the tag.
Once corrected, in
<option <dtml-if expr="'<dtml-var Type>'=='Call'">SELECTED</dtml-if>>
Python probably won't know what Type is unless you have already defined a
variable for it in some way. For example, if it's an ordinary variable, you
can reference it as "_['Type']=='Letter' ".
Finally, what is to prevent your code from trying to set more than one
option as SELECTED? If that's what you want you have to tell the <select>
element to allow multiple selections. Otherwise you have to make sure it
can't happen.
Tom P
[Tim Considine]
I am trying to make a value from an SQL query the selected one from an
HTML option list. But the following doesn't work and I can't see why.
<select name="Type">
<option <dtml-if expr="'<dtml-var Type>'=='Call'">SELECTED</dtml-if>>
<option <dtml-if expr="'Meeting'=='<dtml-varType>'">SELECTED</dtml-if>>
<option <dtml-if expr="'<dtml-var Type>'=='Letter'">SELECTED</dtml-if>>
<td><select name="Priority">
<option <dtml-if expr="'<dtml-var Priority>'=='1'">SELECTED</dtml-if>>
<option <dtml-if expr="'<dtml-var Priority>'=='2'">SELECTED</dtml-if>>
Any thoughts ?