[Zope] RE: need help
Loren Stafford
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 14:18:28 -0700
> dear sir ,
> First i had downloaded Xron-0-0-9 and
> ZScheduler-version0.0.7
> then extracted to c:\programfiles\zope
> then i got ZScheduler, Xron directries in
> c:\programfiles\zope\lib\python\products\...ZScheduler,Xron
> then i restarted zope , i got Schedule in root
> directory and Xron,ZEvent both got in product list..
Don't use both ZScheduler and Xron. Use just Xron. They are really different
versions of the same product. Xron is newer. I can't think why they would
conflict, but that doesn't mean they won't.
> then i added ZEvent ,it asked id,title,Execute at...
> id ---test
> title -- testing
> Execute at -- 2001/07/18 14:59:46.32 GMT+5
> then i clicked on add and edit button.
> i got some text box then i added the following code.
> Content-type: text/plain
> nagesh
> then i clicked view tab i got output is --- nagesh
> then went back and clicked trigger tab
> then i got output as follows---
> ----
> You are not authorized to access this resource.
> No Authorization header found. (File: C:\Program
> Files\zope\lib\python\ZPublisher\HTTPResponse.py Line:
> 588) 401 Unauthorized for http://sw8:8080/test/trigger
> -----
> then i went back and clicked proxy tab and proxy role
> selected "manager" and clicked save changes.
> then again went back and clicked trigger tab then i
> got same exception.
> then i went to Scheduler which present in root folder
> their
> metatype , absolute url , Scheduled time is present
> fine.
> 1) is it correct way of proceeding???
Looks good to me.
> 2) instalation is correct or not?
> after extracting ,
Don't install Xron and ZScheduler togther. Use only Xron. Create a Xron DTML
Method, not a ZEvent.
is it necessary to make changes in
> root directry for permissions?
> 3) i tried in two systems(uninstalled zope and
> reinstalled) ? but same problem ?
> 4) as you suggested to install ZDebug product . and i
> downloaded ZDebug product and extracteded ,but it is
> not showing any extra information..
Try just typing http://sw8:8080/test/trigger into the browser's URL box.
ZDebug should do its thing then.
> 5) ZScheduler , Xnor installing is nothing but-- just
> extract to root directry? or anything else??
Correct. The fact that you were able to create a scheduled method shows that
the product was installed correctly.
> 6) i tried only with Xnor.(what i mean to say is
> without extracting ZScheduler).
> with Xnor i tried like which i above said..
> code is ....
> Content-type: text/plain
> Nagesh
> in Xnor if click on trigger tab i am getting
> output---Nagesh
So it worked then.
> in Xnor if click on view tab i am getting
> output---Nagesh
> but in server side exception is
> ------
> 2001-07-18T11:48:05 ERROR(200) Catalog
> uncatalogObject unsuccessfully attempted to uncatalog
> an object with a uid of /test.
> ------
Please show all the log messages for the same event that preceed this one.
> 7) the difference between ZEvent and Xnor is
> Reschedule Interval (which i felt)
> 8) my zope version is
> Zope Version Zope 2.3.2 (binary release, python
> 1.5.2, win32-x86)
> Python Version 1.5.2 (#0, Jul 30 1999, 09:52:18)
> [MSC 32 bit (Intel)]
> System Platform win32
> finally what i want to say is ...
> please ..
> consider a clean system (zope) and how to install
> ZScheduler and Xnor and how to use
> please explain in detail....
Your installation seems correct (except forget about ZScheduler). You need
to get better diagnostics about the authorization exception. Try just typing
http://sw8:8080/test/trigger into the browser's URL box. ZDebug should be
more helpful then.
-- Loren