[Zope] Another lighter note...

J. Cameron Cooper jccooper@rice.edu
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 11:07:46 -0500

I love this. How come this isn't anywhere on Zope.org?

Some newer open source products are also becoming popular. The North 
Atlantic Treaty Organization uses one of those, Zope, for a tracking 
system that locates both NATO's and antagonists' troops, vehicles and 
ships around the world, said Tom Morling, vice president of marketing at 
Digital Creations, a systems consulting company and Zope's publisher. 
"The supreme commander of NATO has a Zope browser on his desk," he said.
source: http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2717905,00.html

How's that for "mission-critical"? The article does a lot of other 
Zope-mentioning besides.
