[Zope] ZClass index_html question
Maarten Slaets
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 19:05:41 +0200
Peter Bengtsson wrote:
> Smells like a bug.
> I tried it too and it doesn't make sense.
> With a humble rename from "something" to "index_html" or "index_html" to
> "somethingelse" you go from 200 to 404 or 404 to 200.
thanks for trying it aswell.
> Go to http://classic.zope.org:8080/Collector and search if the bug is
> already there (yes, the search is tricky but is being replaced to something
> even more complicated)
> If it isn't, report it.
I did that now, and I think you are right that its a bug
It's been 'pending' since august '99 :(
> What I don't understand is that all products (all meta types) are instances
> of classes and many of them have methods called index_html or define it as a
> link to a method using the __str__.
As far as I understand the Renderable class lets you bind a ZClass
method to __str__ , but it didn't solve this issue.
Maarten Slaets
Contact: http://zope.neolabs.be/home/maarten/maarten.vcf