[Zope] Hellow pionniers !!!
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 12:53:15 +0200 (MET DST)
Hellow everyone,
I'am new in the arena and hope to become a Zope Master by the next months.=
But for the =
moment I am fighting with my Linux Box =21=21=21 (I'am young to this aswel=
l =21=21). I've decided to =
eliminate W*=21=A7=F9%=24=A3? from my machine, but that's not always so ea=
sy. And we get to my =
first question=21=21=21=21
I've tried to make a simple install of Zope 2.3.3 in my /opt dir (wich is =
a separate partition =
too). So I uncompressed the tarball, cd to the dir newly created, and run =
the install script. =
I've tried this sequence many times, logged under both my user account and=
root, I've in =
both cases full rights on my Zope dir. But the script never ends to answer=
=22 not enough =
params=22.I've read the script help about the different options & syntaxes=
, but I think I've =
to recognize that don't really understand it.
May I be helped ????
Fight against Bill & Friends
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