[Zope] Using DTMLFile or PageTemplateFile in methods

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 21:15:22 +0200 (CEST)

Peter Bengtsson writes:
 > I use ZPT files for my templates for my Python product development.
 > This is what I do:
 > def manage_addInstance(self,id):
 >      self._setObject(id, Instance(id))
 > class Instance(SimpleItem):
 >       def __init__(self,id):
 >              self.id = id
 >       # in the products folder there is a file called index.zpt
 >       index_html = PageTemplateFile('index', globals())
 > Now, this works, but consider the following extension to the class.
 > class Instance(SimpleItem):
 >       def __init__(self,id):
 >              self.id = id
 >       def which_index_html(self):
 >              return PageTemplateFile('index', globals())
 >       index_html = which_index_html
 > That does NOT work! It looks like a small change, but I might be wrong.
 > How to do this anyone?
The second approach need an additional "call".

ZPublisher is ready to call the "index_html" once.
  In the first case, this calles in fact the PageTemplate
  and back comes the rendered template.

  In the second case, ZPublisher again calls "index_html"
  but the result is the PageTemplate itself, and not
  the rendered result.


	def which_index_html(self):
	    return PageTemplateFile('index', globals())()

i.e. "call" the PageTemplate!
