[Zope] Zope and Oracle
Tommy Johnson
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 13:57:39 -0800
Hey all,
Has anyone ever connected to Oracle from Zope? How about connecting to
another machine that runs Oracle (machine A runs Zope; machine B runs
Oracle)? If so, how ... or a friendly pointer in the right direction would
be appreciated. ;->
I'm just wondering, because I feel that I would rather pull some information
(already in Oracle), rather than setting up 130+ objects in Zope.
What I have is an email listing, that holds first name, last name, email,
and some other info. I see that I, if in Zope, would make a separate object
to hold this info for each separate listing. Now, if there were only 10
listings, I'd be fine with it. However, from last count, it was over 130,
and still growing.
I really don't want to manage all those objects, much less create all of
them! And since it already exists in Oracle .... well, you get the picture.
Besides, I may want to have a Zope/Oracle combo in the future, so it may
help to iron this stuff out now.
Thanks in advance,
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