[Zope] Future watch: how will python division change affectzo pe?
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 11:50:43 -0700
This has nothing to do with English; frankly, just let a loosely typed
language realize just that in it's arithmetic philosophy... those python
programmers formerly indoctrinated with Pascal's div and mod operations, for
example, might just enjoy a common-sense change consistent with the notion
that in 99% of everyday real world math, an integer is just an easy to write
notation for a float...
I'll stop my rant..
-----Original Message-----
From: marc lindahl [mailto:marc@bowery.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 11:40 AM
To: zope@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope] Future watch: how will python division change
affectzo pe?
We're not talking about third graders, we're talking about 7th graders and
up - C programmers, C++, Java, even BASIC.
They "know" that 1/2==0, but that 1.0/2 == 1/2.0 == 0.5. This is because,
mathematically, the numeric representation is really floor(1.0/2.0).
These are the people that will be programming Python, not english majors.
English is not a programming language.
> From: Steve Drees [mailto:drees@the-bridge.net]
> Marc & Chris are wrong here. Every 3rd grader in the US knows that 1/2 is
> not 0.
> So I would say that (american) english agrees with the proposed new
> rules in python.
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