[Zope] Automatically go to another page after query results?

Bob Campbell rcam@psouth.net
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 19:03:21 -0400

Hello all,
Can anyone help Sheree, cause I certainly can't..., I'm still chunking away
at the basics... Thanks!

Here is the scenario....
 (all of this is generated from a database)

A user looks at the Officer info page and then clicks Modify to change the
information. In the Modify page, once the user clicks Submit, the update is
made and I then need to and send the user to back to the Officer info page.

I've been trying RESPONSE.redirect but cannot figure out syntactically how
to pass the

 RESPONSE.redirect('cltest?var1=<dtml-var var1in>')

 The above causes var1 to be equal to the actual text of <dtml-var var1in>

 So what I need to do is... within a dtml method I want to automatically go
to another page (need to
 pass parameters as well) after certain steps are performed such as an

 In Cold Fusion I was able to do this using the CFLOCATION tag.

 Hope someone can help!

 Sheree Beaudette, AVP
> Applications Support Analyst
> Banknorth Group, Commercial Services
> 207-828-7133
> Fax:  207-756-6990
> sbeaudette@banknorth.com