[Zope] Trimming a text field in a form

Danny William Adair danny@adair.net
Fri, 27 Jul 2001 18:31:05 +1200

Hi Tommy!

>Another question. How do you trim a form field with dtml? I have JavaScript
>doing it when the form is submitted, but that doesn't help much for those
>browsers whose user's have disabled JavaScript.

A string is a sequence type, so you can do a simple

<dtml-var "my_string[:10]">

to trim your field input (first 10 characters, in this case). Of course you 
can use a variable holding the length, instead of the integer literal 10...

<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('my_string', 'this is way too long, man')">
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('max_length', 6)">
<dtml-var "my_string[:max_length]">

will show up as "this i"

Hope this helps,