[Zope] Zope in higher education
Jerome Alet
Fri, 27 Jul 2001 14:22:47 +0200 (MET DST)
I'm pleased to announce the latest version of my french document titled
"Le choix de Zope comme plate-forme d'enseignement a distance", you
can read it in HTML format at:
Unfortunately the PDF version will be available later today, or this
This document, which title may be translated into "The choice of Zope as a
distance learning platform", describes Zope and Python and references some
Zope products which may prove to be useful in such an environment, as well
as all the projects I know of worldwide which use Zope when building a
distance learning platform.
The latest modifications are:
- some clarifications.
- some links checks.
- references of some of the now available Zope books out there.
Some more modifications will be delayed until September, because I'll be
on holidays in 3 hours now :-))
Please feel free to send me any experiences you may have in such a
situation in order for me to include them in a future version of this
document, if you want.
Anyone wanting to do a translation into english or other language is very
welcome, of course.
Thanks for your attention.
Jerome Alet - alet@unice.fr - http://cortex.unice.fr/~jerome
Fac de Medecine de Nice http://wwwmed.unice.fr
Tel: (+33) 4 93 37 76 30 Fax: (+33) 4 93 53 15 15
28 Avenue de Valombrose - 06107 NICE Cedex 2 - FRANCE