[Zope] ZSQL method from python script
Jens Vagelpohl
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 09:19:11 -0400
try passing the id argument more explicitly, like...
for result in context.updateState(id=id):
(assuming id is defined in your python script)
IMHO, for one's own sanity, it's always better to pass explicit named
arguments to a method.
On Monday, July 30, 2001, at 08:36 , Kerekes Lajos wrote:
> Kerekes Lajos wrote:
>> Hello!
>> How can I call ZSQL method, from python script?
>> And how can I use the result set of the ZSQL method?
>> Thanks:
>> Lajos Kerekes
> Since this email, I found some help in Zope Book, but still I have
> error.
> I have an "update" ZSQL method, the argument is 'id'.
> If I call it from python script in this way:
> ------------------
> for result in context.updateState(id):
> ------------------
> I get an error.
> -----------
> Error Type: Bad Request
> Error Value: ['id']
> .
> .
> .
> .
> File
> /usr/local/zope/Zope-2.3.3-linux2-x86/lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB/Aqueduct.
> py,
> line 150, in _argdata
> (Object: updateMLState)
> Bad Request: (see above)
> -----------
> What is the problem.
> Thanks:
> Lajos