[Zope] Hi All

Joachim Werner joe@iuveno-net.de
Tue, 31 Jul 2001 22:08:30 +0200

> > Link (or copy/move) the CMF packages into $INSTANCE_HOME/Products. For
> > instance:
> > $ cd /var/zope/Products
> > $ ln -s /usr/local/zope/CMF-1.1/CMF*

> > Well I don't see a products directory anywhere. I see an extensions
> > directory so I untarred it there but it still does not show up anywhere.

> $INSTANCE_HOME references to your Zope installation directory.
> You'll want to unzip this into /var/zope/lib/python/Products,
> or wherever your Zope install is. (Not sure where the RPMs start;
> if they install in /usr/local/zope, then this would be
> /usr/local/zope/lib/python/Products).

This is not the full story. If you have an INSTANCE_HOME-type installation
(that's what the CMF people think you might have), you will have your Zope
installation in one directory and your personal data in another directory.

i.e. in a standard, non-RPM install you might do:

/opt/Zope-2.4-binary/... (or /var/lib/zope/... or whatever)

Products that should be globally available to all Zope instances are put
/opt/Zope-2.4-binary/lib/python/Products (in my example)

All stuff that is just for you will go into

The "yourzope" directory is your INSTANCE_HOME. It has a structure like

- Products
- Extensions
- var
- import
and maybe an "access" file for the admin password.

The cool thing with INSTANCE_HOME is that you can

- separate the "good" stuff from development products that might just be
used in a "devel" instance
- can update ALL your instances at once to a new Zope or apply a Hotfix by
just updating the "master" Zope
- ...

To get such an instance home installation, the only thing to change is
creating the INSTANCE_HOME directories with all the needed subfolders and
then creating start scripts that look like this:

- $PYTHON is your path to Python,
- $ZOPE_BASE is your "master" Zope's directory
- $PORT is your main Zope HTTP port (e.g. 8080 or 80)
- $FTP_PORT: guess what ;-)
- $WEBDAV_SOURCE_PORT is another HTTP port that is used
            for WebDAV; it serves the DTML or Python source code
            (like FTP) instead of the rendered pages
- $USER is the user Zope should run as
- $INSTANCE_HOME is your personal instance's home ...
