[Zope] [ANN] ZShell 1.2

Jerome Alet alet@unice.fr
Sun, 3 Jun 2001 00:55:29 +0200


I'm pleased to announce the availability of ZShell 1.2

ZShell is an external Zope method which allows you to
manipulate the ZODB using standard unix shell's commands
from within Zope's Management Interface in your web

ZShell is the Swiss Army's Knife of the Zope Manager.

ZShell is licensed under the GNU General Public Licence, with
some clarifications of my own concerning it's use with Zope.

You can download it from:


New features are:

Some options may now be specified multiple times, and
option arguments may use wildcards too, for examples
look at grep's or find's documentation, or at this one:

	find / --id "*html" --id "!index_*" 
               --type "DTML*" --type File --exec "catalog {}"

(all on a single line): this will recursively catalog all objects
which meta type begins with "DTML" or is File, which id ends in "html"
but not those which id begins with "index_"

This is just the sort of things you'll be able to do, but I'm confident
that your own imagination can invent very complex commands to solve your
particular problems. 

find's --user option was renamed to --owner

find's --name option was renamed to --id

Some options, actually --type and --owner in grep and find, and
--id in find, now accept NOTarguments of the
form: !arg, which can contain wildcards too.

Bug fix with regard to special meta types handling (ZClasses)
Better error handling in cp/mv/cut/copy/paste.
Better output in cp/mv/paste.

history now accepts a --clear option to empty the .zshell_history
DTML Document, if allowed.

history accepts multiple --user arguments to list only
those commands run by the specified users (NOTarguments are
allowed too).

grep now accepts a --maxdepth option to be optionally used when
the --recurse option is given.
grep now accepts --owner, --mmin, --mtime, and --newer options, just
like find.

Both find and grep now accept a --older option, which works
just like --newer.

Overflow error fixed.

What's cool ?

	What you'll probably find very useful is the possibility to use
NOTarguments in some commands arguments and some command options arguments.
a NOTargument is a normal argument prefixed with a '!' character, meaning
NOT. Read find and grep help for examples on how to use them: you'll like it !

	Another interesting option is the new --older option for both grep and
find, which will allow you, used with --newer, to search (in) and/or modify 
objects modified between the modification times of two other objects

	The third interesting thing is that now it will be easier for me
to make other powerful commands like grep and find, since now they both
use the same matching methods internally.

The near future:

	I'll probably add lots of options to the ls command, just to complete
the find/grep duo, but I think the other commands finally may not need all
this bunch of options, since you can use the find's --exec option to 
do very complicated things. 


	Thanks to Peter Bengtsson for his help.

Hoping you'll find it more useful than ever.

feel free to send me any feedback.


Jerome Alet