[Zope] Trouble installing the mySQL drivers
Jakub Kasprzycki
Mon, 04 Jun 2001 08:34:13 +0200
Previously I had no problems installing the MySQL-python and mySQLDA on
my RH6.2
but after totally reinstalling everything (now - RH6.2, python 2.1,
mySQL 3.23.37, mySQL-python-, mySQLDA 2.0.6) all compiled from
sources... I get:
Import Traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/zope/lib/python/OFS/Application.py", line 528, in
product=__import__(pname, global_dict, global_dict, silly)
File "/usr/local/zope/lib/python/Products/ZMySQLDA/__init__.py", line
91, in ?
import DA
File "/usr/local/zope/lib/python/Products/ZMySQLDA/DA.py", line 91,
in ?
from db import DB
File "/usr/local/zope/lib/python/Products/ZMySQLDA/db.py", line 89,
in ?
import _mysql
ImportError: libmysqlclient.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory
indicating that the _mysql module couldn't locate the
libmysqlclient.so.10 am I right??? What should has gone wrong?
Please help as I am to put this server in production really soon. :-)
* Jakub Kasprzycki - jkasprzycki@czestochowa.um.gov.pl *
* Urząd Miasta Częstochowy - www.czestochowa.um.gov.pl *