[Zope] Sharing Database connections and/or methods between Zopes?

Thomas B. Passin tpassin@mitretek.org
Tue, 5 Jun 2001 14:10:38 -0400

[Andy McKay]

The ODBC setup should allow you to select a networked database on another
NT/2000 server.  That should let the the ODBC driver handle it rather than

If your database has client-server capability, you can run a client for it
on the same box as the Zope server and access it using ODBC talking to the
clienton the one box which gets the data from the database server on the
other.  I'm doing that successfully running SQLAnywhere.

Otherwise, it might be a problem about talking to NT network hosts from
Zope.  I remember that the LocalFS had a problem with that and you had to
install a patch to make it work.  Maybe you could find out some details by
searching for LocalFS things, and maybe emailing its author.

Good Luck,

Tom P