Zope docs (was Re: [Zope] I was wondfe)

Paz paz@chello.nl
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 20:44:00 +0200

Hmm, To put in my two cents, I think perhaps there just needs to be more
comprehensive in-points to documentation when seeking an answer. I would
rather sit with a smoke and coffee in the morning reading some _well written
docs by someone who makes a business of it, instead of crawling through
lists and _hoping someone answers my usually idiotic question that is better
dealt with other ways. When presented with the same site you just downloaded
your first zope, I'm left with the impression; 'Um, whats next?'.

Had this very email come to me from a gratuitous 'Thanks for downloading our
product', much like 'for-sale' software is, I'd have at least 3 places to
start looking.  I sometimes get the 'ole-boys club' feeling where Unix is
lore and since python makes most sense there (not that its less on windows,
but come on, who would want to use that for slinging code?), there are more
things 'You just have to know' than I am comfortable with. Mostly of what I
say is true anyhow, but that can easily be remedied when you pre-empt that
people arent going to understand you when you only explain the
contraindications of the result instead of purpose and cause, and
expected/intended behavoiur.

All things aside, I feel Zope is misrepresented in this manner. Problems
solved by answers is logical but don't always come immediatley, but the
frustrations of not finding the path to the answers is your worst day at
work. Its sorta like that proverb 'Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a
day.....'. Give us a good starting point and encourage people to use it.

2 cents from a total non-programmer who rocks zope.

-----Original Message-----
From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 8:06 PM
To: zope@zope.org
Subject: Re: Zope docs (was Re: [Zope] I was wondfe)

> > Well some of the things that Owen Taylor says, are - unfortunately -
> > Zope isn't well documented.
> I wonder how long this meme will continue.  We now have the Book, a
> prototype developer's guide, the help system (with an API guide), 312
> howtos, and a cookbook (via ZopeLabs.com).
> I think folks need to start becoming more specific when they say "Zope
> isn't well documented".

I think it's more along the lines of "Zope can't read my mind!"

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$position="systems administrator";        $altposition="witch doctor";
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