[Zope] Debugging, the Zope > Oracle connection, ZOracleDA and truncation?

Chris Beaumont chris@ncafe.com
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 14:33:45 -0700

Does anyone have any idea why some query strings (inserts) using 
ZOracleDA connecting to an Oracle 7.3 database, might be truncated at 
between 2000 and 4000 characters?

This is not the LOB problem, (they are not single varchar or long 
fields) I am talking about the length of the query itself, including 
the values..

(I have already implemented a workaround for the 2000 char limit per 
field), its something else and whatever it is, its very difficult to 

What are the best ways to debug the Zope > oracle connection?

Trying to figure out what is happening is like trying to navigate in 
the dark, given Oracle's terse error output..

Thank you,


      "Every passing hour brings the solar system 43,000 miles closer 
to globular
      cluster M13 in Hercules - and still there are some misfits who insist that
      there is no such thing as progress."
      -- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.