[Zope] ?? Z - Class Bug ??

Eric Roby vekn@msn.com
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 10:13:22 -0500

I hesitate to cry 'wolf' when I am still new to the system.  However, on the
recommendation from Tres Seaver, I have submitted this to the bug-collector.
My main motivation for posting it here (as well) is to see if anyone else
has experienced similar behavior.  The case boils down to this:

New ZClasses DO NOT inherit the 'put' services of their base classes. IOW,
an instance of a new class derived from ZDTMLDocument base (say) can be
created TTW but CANNOT be (later) updated via FTP or WEBDav clients.  FTP
clients report file creation errors and WEBDav clients don't show that the
instance exists.

OR ... am I simply missing some implementation details W/R to the class
composition.  I have looked at other python products that define new
document classes and they seem to have implemented their own 'put' services.
Is this a detail that must be addressed when composing new classes TTW?  Or,
should I expect to inherit that service from the base classes?

Any thoughts ...
