[Zope] string module
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 04:11:59 -0700 (PDT)
>On 13 Jun 2001 07:47:13 -0700, Sebal wrote:
>> I have a method what from a "MULTIPART FORM" put a file named
>> in a directory.
>> And after i want the methood to create a Zclass instance[PDFclass] whith
>> id=myFile.
>> I tried with split, join, and translate method of string module, and I
>> can't get a valid id with split and join ; and with translate if 'myFile'
>> 'mypdf' (so the file is 'mypdf.pdf') I'll get 'my' as id for my PDFclass
>> instance.
>Split on the '.' not on 'pdf'.
>Example from the interpreter:
> >>> foo="mypdf.pdf"
> >>> id,extension = string.split(foo,'.')
> >>> print id
> mypdf
This doesn't work:
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('filename' , 'test.pdf')" >
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('file_id' , _.string.split(filename,'.'))" >
<dtml-var file_id>
with view I get ['test','pdf']
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('filename' , 'test.pdf')" >
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('file_id' , _.string.split(filename,'.pdf'))" >
<dtml-var file_id>
with view I get ['test','']
This make a invalide id for my PDFclass instance.
I don't know how to separate the 2 arguments of file_id.
/ \
| <> |
(____) zazen rules ... Sbaline
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