[Zope] Newest Documents Listing

Geir Bækholt Geir Bækholt <geirh@funcom.com>
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 12:41:23 +0200

do this in a pythonscript :

for i in context.ZopeFind(container, obj_metatypes=('Page Template',),search_sub = 1, obj_mtime='18.06.2001'):
           print """<p><a href="%s">%s</a></p>""" % (i[1],i[0])
return printed

tweak as required.

here is the entry for ZopeFind in the ZopeQuickREference with some
more info:
ZopeFind(obj, [obj_ids, obj_metatypes, obj_searchterm, obj_expr, obj_mtime, obj_mspec, obj_permission, obj_roles, search_sub, REQUEST, result, pre])
Zope Find Interface
<dtml-var standard_html_header>
This will list all object ids in the current folder<br>
<dtml-in "ZopeFind(this())">
<dtml-var "_['sequence-item'][0]">
</dtml-var standard_html_footer>
obj is the object to start looking from (in our example, this()) and is
              the only required argument

              The next 8 arguments are find terms, for example, if an object has an id
              you specify with 'obj_ids', it will be returned.

              search_sub means recursivly descend into sub folders, default is 0.

              REQUEST is, as allways, the request object.

              result and pre are used by the recursion machinery and should not be diddled with.

              ZopeFind returns a list of two item tuples.  The first item is the
              object's id, the second is it path *relative to the 'obj' argument*.
ZopeFindAndApply(obj, [obj_ids, obj_metatypes, obj_searchterm, obj_expr, obj_mtime, obj_mspec, obj_permission, obj_roles, search_sub=0, REQUEST, result, pre, apply_func, apply_path])
Zope Find and apply interface, difference from ZopeFind: apply_func and apply_path parameters, used to find and catalog objects.

on or about, Thursday, June 21, 2001, we have reason to believe that Stefan Radke wrote something along the lines of :

SR> Geir B?kholt <geirh@funcom.com> wrote:

>> Get all objects in a folder sorted according to when they were last
>> modified:
>> <dtml-in expr="objectValues()" sort=bobobase_modification_time reverse>
>>     <dtml-var title_or_id>
>> </dtml-in> ...
SR> I have been using this, but I might have stated my request not clear enough:
SR> I want this for the complete site, all contents of the Zope DB, optionally filtered by meta-types
SR> Any ideas ?
SR> Thank you again, Stefan.

Geir Bækholt                   web-developer/zopatista
geirh@funcom.com             funcom oslo | webdev-team

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