[Zope] ZPT: ready for prime time?

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 19:28:14 +0200 (CEST)

Hello Zopistas,

we are before a big redesign of our Zope Site


The complete Look&Feel will be changed and we will switch
from the Zope oldie 2.1.6 to the latest Zope version.
The GUI will be developed with DreamWeaver.

We are currently facing the following decision:

  *  do we use ZPT/XHTML for presentation
  *  do we stick with the familiar DTML

The designer told us, he (and his tool) can handle both.
Thus, it boilds down to:

    modern approach		    in the future, probably only
    investment in the future	    used in niches

    in flux, probably unstable	    stable, we know its strengthes/weaknesses
    maybe, missing features
    (e.g. batching)

    poor documentation		    quite well documented by now
    e.g. loop variables,
    TALES variables

What are your experiences?
What do you think?
