[Zope] WinMe / Win2k / RedHat / data.fs

Mon, 25 Jun 2001 11:21 -0700


This weekend I successfully re-partitioned my hd and got redhat 7.1 running, got the network running, got apache running. 

Next break I get, I'll get zope running. Then the big plan is to get my wiki moved to linux/zope, AND port my asp/sqlserver apps to PHP/postgresql. Then maybe I'll make another linux partition out of dev/hda1 where winMe lives. I'll get another box for win2k and my legacy asp--someday.

My data.fs is actually about 300meg: 1/3 of a gig.

Yes, zope was running on the win2k box before I copied the winMe data.fs. Then nostart. No error either, as I remember, just hung.

No, haven't tried the export/import. I'll have to look into that. Won't work for me if source and target have to be running at the same time, cause now I am wanting to go from winme to linux on dual boot--same machine.

I have used the FS product to write folders and items to the filesystem, then FTP those to another zope. That works, I'll have to recreate all the ownership, but that's doable.

Throwing off the chains,

> > Wait a minute, ... Both you guys are named Henny?
> > I mean,...that's great... and run zope on winMe...
> Not to mention that we 're both from the Netherlands, have exactly the
> same
> problems. Weird was the first thing that came to my mind ;)
> > I have tried to use data.fs from my WinMe machine
> > on win2K at work. No luck. The WinMe data.fs comes
> > from a Zope version: Zope 2.2.2 (binary release,
> > python 1.5.2, win32-x86) and the win2k zope is
> > more recent. Zope wouldn't start when I copied it
> > to /var. Shouldn't this work going from 2.2.2 to
> > 2.3 (backward compatability)? Or is the problem
> > the OS: FAT vs NTFS?
> I copied data.fs from Win95 to Win98 to WinNt to WinMe without problems
> (mainly Zope 2.1.6, but the data.fs should be backward compatible). We
> have
> also a Win2000 machine running Zope but we never copied a data.fs to that
> thing.
> Did Zope start before you copied the data.fs?
> Have you tried to export and import your sites/folders?
> Have you tried to copy the whole website directory from one machine to the
> other?
> How large is your data.fs?
> Henny