[Zope] A Tale from IBM land...

Charlie Blanchard charlie@blanchardsite.com
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 08:28:58 -0700

On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 02:59:27PM +0200, Peter Bengtsson wrote:
> > Finally, on buzzwords, I'd say go easy on Python. It scares
> > people. Say Perl, say XML, say any other ML. Who cares what
> > BroadVision is written in? Why should we care with Zope?
> > (someone is going to hate that).
> > ....Mike
> I disagree.
> Zope is very different from the others in this respect.
> Python is such a big part of Zope. You could almost say: "a bunch or
> prepared classes and libraries written in Python, and it even has a HTML end
> to it. The collection of these frameworks is called ZOPE"
> And Python is definitly something to be proud of these days.

depends on where your marketing focus is. if you're pitching the
technical staff, the fact that zope is a python application _can_
be a big plus, if you're pitching the non-technical decision
makers (see my earlier posts) then talking python _can_ muddy the
waters. the suits are buying solutions, not programming languages
so the fact that zope is a python 'killer app' means you have to
sell not only zope as a solution, but now python as well, double
the sales effort...

charlie blanchard
LosAngeles area Zope Users Group http://lazug.org