[Zope] Want to Build Bulletin Board for Local Events

Bill Bell bill-bell@bill-bell.hamilton.on.ca
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 10:33:51 -0400

I am an experienced software developer who is new to Zope.

I live in a rural community. As a public service I'd like to build a site 
that is capable of accepting short notices about upcoming events 
such as theatre performances, tavern gigs, church suppers, etc 
and then of displaying them using either a calendar page interface 
or scrolling list. One of the many reasons that Zope appeals to me 
is that it seems to make it relatively easy to make it possible for 
others to post these items themselves. Or, IOW, I can't afford to 
spend time entering all of these events myself.

I don't want to have to learn everything before I do something--if you 
know what I mean. OTOH I would like to master a substantial part 
of Zope over the next few months. Would someone be willing to 
suggest one or two places where I can download Zope systems 
somewhat like what I want for study and adaptation?

Thanks for any help!
