[Zope] Why require "Manager" for changing Z SQL Method?
Matthew T. Kromer
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 20:34:30 -0500
Thanks Kyler; the DCO2 problem has to do with the fact that DCO1's Connect()
call is a method, whereas DCO2 it is a function -- so ZOracleDA makes a
method call, and the connect() function's arguments are all shifted over.
I'm going to change this RSN :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kyler B. Laird" <laird@ecn.purdue.edu>
To: "Dieter Maurer" <dieter@handshake.de>
Cc: <zope@zope.org>; <cameron@lairds.com>; <matt@digicool.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] Why require "Manager" for changing Z SQL Method?
> > while "manage_edit" correctly follows the "Change Database" permission,
> > "manage_main" is fixed to "Manager" while it should depend
> > on "View Management screens".
> >
> >I do not yet know, why this is the case. Maybe,
> >DTMLFile objects define a "__roles__" attribute with
> >role "Manager".
> Ah ha! I got it!
> [Realize that I am a Zope Dummy. Really. I should
> not be allowed to touch the code with this little
> knowledge of it. I love that I can make things
> work, though!]
> The solution to this is to add
> __ac_permissions__=( ('Change Database Methods', ('manage_main',
> to SQL.py.
> *Poof*! That fixes it.
> Also, I've been asked for my kludge to make DCOracle2
> connect. The code for connection() follows. I do not
> suggest it as a fix. Obviously the author had some
> much more complex things in mind when he wrote it.
> It did get me running, though.
> Thanks for the help!
> --kyler
> DCOracle2.py
> ===================
> def connect(dsn=None, user=None, password=None, database=None):
> """Connect to Oracle. The default argument is the dsn 'connection
> e.g. connect("scott/tiger@orac") but each parameter may also be
> specified, e.g. connect(user="scott", password="tiger",
> if dsn is not None:
> dsn = dsn.connection
> try:
> userpass, dbname = split(dsn,"@")
> except ValueError:
> userpass = dsn
> dbname = ""
> else:
> userpass = dsn
> dbname = ""
> if userpass is not None:
> try:
> (u, p) = split(userpass,"/")
> except ValueError:
> u = dsn
> p = ""
> else:
> u = dsn
> p = ""
> if dsn is None: u = ""
> #if user is not None: u = user
> if password is not None: p = password
> if database is not None: dbname = database
> db = dco2.connect(u, p, dbname)
> conn= connection(db)
> return conn