[Zope] can't login to Zope!

Stuart Quimby StuQ@dstoys.com
Thu, 01 Mar 01 09:59:38 -0500

A newbie problem here.  I can't seem to login to Zope no matter what I try.

- I've installed Zope 2.3.0-1 and ZServer 2.3.0-1 from rpm's accessible from the Zope.org site on a RH 7.0 machine.
- I run /etc/rc.d/init.d/zope start and it starts fine.
- I open Mozilla to :8080 and the Zope start screen displays.
- Tried pointing the browser to :8080/manage and it asks for username/passwd.
- I supply admin and 123 and no go. No error message just keeps asking for the password again.
- Cruise the docs and mail list archives.
- Run python zpasswd.py inituser and reset the password.  (This was suggested on the mail lists - I couldn't find it in the docs.)
- Verify that the inituser file was changed.
- Close all browser windows.
- Run /etc/rc.d/init.d/zope restart.
- Open browser and try to log in again.
- Same response.
- Try running python zpasswd.py access.
- Close browsers/restart zope/open browsers - same response - no error messages - just doesn't like the usernames and passwords I'm providing.
- Thought maybe it was a 'Mozilla thang'.  Tried Netscape.  Same response.

This is pathetic.  I've got 6-7 hours into this just trying to get the management interface up!!!

Can anyone point me to how to get this thing running?

A very frustrated Stuart Quimby.

Stuart Quimby
President, Design Science Toys Ltd.
1362 Rt.9
Tivoli, NY  12583
Tel: 914.756.4221
Fax: 914.756.4223
URL: http://www.dstoys.com