[Zope] Virtual Host Monster question

Joel Burton jburton@scw.org
Fri, 2 Mar 2001 14:11:29 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, spinwing@inwind.it wrote:

> Hello 
> I was playing around with SiteAccess and VirtualHostMonster to get aquainted to it. 
> My simulation is:
> I have a Zope folder called http://host:8080/virtual. My goal is to have Apache on top of Zope running at http://host and hiding the zope by translating all requests from http://host/virtual into http://host:8080/virtual, thus shielding the 8080 port. 
> I found a lot of documents about that, so I managed a way out doing the following:
> Apache httpd.conf
> ProxyPass /virtual/ http://host:8080/virtual/VirtualHostBase/http/host/VirtualHostRoot/
> ProxyPassReverse /virtual/ http://host:8080/virtual/VirtualHostBase/http/host/VirtualHostRoot/
> ProxyPass /misc_ http://host/misc_
> ProxyPass /p_ http://host/p_
> Now my virtual directory works. Now comes the problem. I have a method called index_html. If I call http://host/virtual the methed gets displayed but no pictures and all the links are pointing to the Zope 8080 port. However, if I call the method directly http://host/virtual/index_html, everything is perfect.....
> Then I said, ok I try SiteRoot, but whenever I add it to the folder, setting the base path to http://host/virtual/, then I cannot manage it anymore from the management console.....however, if I browse it at http://host/virtual/manage I can see only the subfolders, not the root folder.....

Err, I think you want to set the SiteRoot to "/", not to "/virtual".

Let me know.

Joel Burton   <jburton@scw.org>
Director of Information Systems, Support Center of Washington