[Zope] SiteAccess, Set Access Rule, Proxy, ReWrite or Virtual Host Monster

Peter Bengtsson peter@grenna.net
Fri, 2 Mar 2001 19:27:46 -0000

There seems to be many ways to connect a domain name to a folder in Zope
without :8080 in the URL.
All I care about is being able to have access to REMOTE_ADDR in my
application and the hiding of "ugly URLs".

I've got a structure like this:

Both member1 and member2 deserve a SiteAccess object there.
If I use Apache:80 to ProxyPass to
Everything looks nice and as it should, but I loose the very important
So I add
ProxyVia on in the VirtualHost definition in httpd.conf
Doesn't help. REMOTE_ADDR remains being and <dtml-var HTTP_VIA>
returns "1.1 domain.server"
(where the domain name is e.g. domain.server.org, if you see what I mean) So
the hints of using HTTP_VIA and "ProxyVia on" fails. :(

I want to be able to use Aquisition.

Which one of all the things mentioned in my subject line is the most common
and "modern"? I see that there are a lot of How-To's using various
techniques, but I can't tell which one the pros recommend.

Virtual Host Monster is pretty new I think, but I don't understand how to
use it. As far as I've understood, the Virtual Host Monster's main feature
is that you can have many folders somewhere else to point _into_ some other
folder tree.

I looked at this
But I don't want to use SSL at this stage.
I tried that syntax but it fails as mentioned above. Why? I am apparently
not alone about this.
