[Zope] Bad Request

Tim Cook tim@freepm.org
Fri, 02 Mar 2001 21:43:15 -0600

Daniel Rusch wrote:
> Help,
> We have a page that submits a numeric code. Normally the next page
> renders fine. On occansion the next page does render and we get the
> following error message. We are really stumped because this problem is
> extremely interminent.
> Any thoughts?
> Zope version: Zope 2.0.1 (source release, python 1.5.1, linux2)

In earlier version of Zope I had problems passing numerics too.
Then I used exclusively character data and converted types as
needed. Kludgey but it worked at the time. Now I have no problems
with numerics (2.2.x +).  Is there a reason why you can't

Tim Cook, President - FreePM,Inc. 
http://www.FreePM.com Office: (901) 884-4126