[Zope] Re: Download resume

Jørn Helge B. Dahl jornd+zope@falch.net
06 Mar 2001 08:41:34 +0100

* Tino Wildenhain <tino@wildenhain.de>

| Hi David,
| I'm afraid this would not make any sense. At least I understand
| the targeted user dont want to download all at once. With your 
| mentioned proxy solution at his site he does indeed load all at
| once. Only loading into his application would be piece by piece,
| which is probably not what he wants.
| Rather Jørn may be install something like squid cache
| as accelerator in front of his zope and set up long cache
| times for files. This would be a quick and effective fix.
| The other way would be to patch zserver to handle part downloads.
| This is not so easy...

Well, thanks for your answer. So, Zserver is not capable of doing
resume. That's nice to know :-) So squid might be it? Well, I'll look
into it and see what will come out of it. Perhaps a ftp-server will be
the best solution.

Thanks all,
Jørn Helge B. Dahl
Falch.net developer - http://falch.net