[Zope] What are you doing with Zope?
Harris Peter
Thu, 8 Mar 2001 08:54:17 -0000
>Message: 14
>From: D.Turpie@open.ac.uk
>To: zope@zope.org
>Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 09:33:21 -0000
>Subject: [Zope] What are you doing with Zope?
>I would be interested to learn what applications (Intranet, web
>Management, specific projects etc.) people are developing using
Zope and any
>benefits/limitations you may have found using zope.
>I work with the Open University library in the UK and we are going
to use
>Zope to pilot a small Intranet for library staff.
I'm replacing a crappy Windows-based helpdesk system that has license
restrictions and horrible locking problems, with a Zope/PostgreSQL one
that works the way I want (nearly). (http://f2w.sourceforge.net)
Benefits: authentication and access control is handled for you, content
management through the web means you don't need any fancy client-side
tools, and the friendly user community goes without saying.
Limitations: you have to be a programmer to do anything non-trivial with it.
That's maybe just my limitation though. I am a programmer, so I always try
programming first and look for other ways to do things if the programming
gets too hard :-)
Best of luck, I can see no reason not to use Zope for what you suggest.
Peter Harris
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