[Zope] SQLTEST is case insensitive?

The Doctor What docwhat@gerf.org
Thu, 8 Mar 2001 19:06:15 -0600

* Dieter Maurer (dieter@handshake.de) [010308 14:52]:
>  > But consider.  A feature is *missing* currently (the ability to use
>  > sqltest and other dtml-sql* vars) with case sensitive databases.
> Only, if the database requires special syntax to make it
> case sensitive.

I am fairly certain, though I cannot find the ANSI document I'm
looking for on the web, that double quotes is OK with the standard,
and shouldn't break other databases, though it would break
PostgreSQL code.

>  > Would adding a toggle that says "Use double quotes" be a bad thing?
> I, personnaly, would not mind unless I had to use it in my code.

Well, were would I add this?  I'm not familiar enough with the Zope
Architecture to actually add this feature to Zope Proper.
Especially without risking damaging everyone else's objects.

> But I have colleagues... Some prefer all upper case,
> others all lower case, others mixed case ...

Ahh...okay.  I guess that makes sense.  I just prefer to do it right
the first time....best practises and all that.

>  > ....
>  > > You can use vanilla DTML to emulate "dtml-sqltest"
>  > > like for example:
>  > > 
>  > >      ....
>  > >      "URL"."ID" = '<dtml-var ID sql_quote>'

You don't need the single quotes since ID is an integer.

>  > >      ....
>  > 
>  > Thereby removing the whole benifit of using ZOPE and ZSQL objects.
> Why that?

I'm exaggerating.  It just negates the dtml-sqlxxxx specials.

> You would use the vanilla DTML inside the ZSQL *TEMPLATE*!
> You can use *ALL* DTML commands in a ZSQL template
> plus several special commands only available in these
> templates "dtml-sqlXXXX".

<dtml-sqlgroup where>
  <dtml-sqltest ID type=int optional>
   "val_Protocol"."ID" = "URL"."val_ProtocolID"

If I make that:
<dtml-sqlgroup where>
   "URL"."ID" = <dtml-var ID sql_quote>
   "val_Protocol"."ID" = "URL"."val_ProtocolID"

Then ID cannot be optional.  I can't use this object as a 'list all'
solution.  Isn't that the whole point of the dtml-sqltest tag?

Does anyone have some good NORMALIZED (say 3rd-4th normal) database
examples of using ZSQL Methods and database adapters?  Just a really
good example would be great.


Thank goodness modern convenience is a thing of the remote future.
	 -- Pogo, by Walt Kelly

The Doctor What: Second Baseman                  http://docwhat.gerf.org/
docwhat@gerf.org                                                   KF6VNC