[Zope] Update URL in SQL
Fri, 09 Mar 2001 06:31:05 -0000
I have a database which has information about books, and there should
be link to the publishers website.
When I use SQL -insert all goes fine, but when I want to update
records which have URL inserted I get an error.
It works if I use html-quote, but then (of course) the link is
useless. Can anyone help?
SQL code:
UPDATE info SET name="<dtml-var name>",
description="<dtml-var description>",
url="<dtml-var url>",
publisher="<dtml-var publisher>",
update="<dtml-var update>"
WHERE id = <dtml-var id>
input url:
<a href="http://www.bookpress.com">Book Press</a>
Error Type: sql.error
Error Value: ('42000', 1064, '[TCX][MyODBC]You have an error in your
SQL syntax
012update="no",\' at line 3')
Traceback (innermost last):
File C:\Ohjelmatiedostot\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py,
line 222, in publish_module
File C:\Ohjelmatiedostot\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py,
line 187, in publish
File C:\Ohjelmatiedostot\WebSite\lib\python\Zope\__init__.py, line
221, in zpublisher_exception_hook
(Object: Traversable)
File C:\Ohjelmatiedostot\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py,
line 171, in publish
File C:\Ohjelmatiedostot\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\mapply.py,
line 160, in mapply
(Object: updateReport)
File C:\Ohjelmatiedostot\WebSite\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py,
line 112, in call_object
(Object: updateReport)
File C:\Ohjelmatiedostot\WebSite\lib\python\OFS\DTMLMethod.py, line
189, in __call__
(Object: updateReport)
line 538, in __call__
(Object: updateReport)
line 480, in renderwb
(Object: updateSQL)
File C:\Ohjelmatiedostot\WebSite\lib\python\Shared\DC\ZRDB\DA.py,
line 489, in __call__
(Object: updateSQL)
File C:\Ohjelmatiedostot\WebSite\lib\python\Products\ZODBCDA\db.py,
line 198, in query
sql.error: (see above)